Thursday, August 10, 2006

A Death In The Chimney

It's been a crazy week, not only has work been super busy and annoying, we had some interesting household events. About a week ago Flanagan became very interested in the fireplace. I had heard some odd rustling noises so I figured there was a bird or some animal in there. Well Wednesday we get home from work and there is a horrible smell all throughout the house, I would say it was similar to bad chicken. This causes me to gag due to my heightened pregnancy senses. The smell is overpowering to me and does cause me to vomit later that evening. B.J. opens the glass doors to the fireplace and does not see anything so whatever has died is up in the chimney. He then covers the opening with plastic sheeting left over from our winters with crappy windows. This helps a little bit, but the smell lingers. Thursday morning I call a few chimney places and finally find one who gets rid of dead animals. They quote me $300 and I make an appointment with Abbey Road Chimney Sweeps. B.J. finds this price outrageous, but I was willing to spend whatever it takes. I make an appointment for 5:00.

I receive a call at 1:30 from the Abbey Road guy and he checks to see if they can come earlier so I leave work at 3:00 to meet them at 3:30 at the house. One of the guys is already on the roof and informs me there is definately something dead in chimney and that there isn't a cap to prevent animals from getting in. He can put two caps on for $95 each, we do this because I never want to have the smell of death in my house again. After the guys put the caps on the chimney they come in and get to work on the fireplace. It turn out that there were FIVE DEAD SQUIRRELS in the chimney. One was stinking up the place, the other four were mummified. Gross!! In less than an hour they have cleaned and deoderized the chimney/fireplace. So one hour and $418 later we are rid of dead squirrels. I never want this to happen ever again, it was so disgusting.
The Fireplace of Death!!!!

Later that evening I escape the house and my sister and I watch "An Inconvenient Truth" at the Danbarry Dollar Saver theater. This was the cheapest part of my day since the movie cost $2.50. I will blog about the movie later, as it was very good.


At Thursday, August 10, 2006 8:23:00 PM , Blogger B.J. said...

The price was outrageous, but I certainly would not have been a fan of dealing with capping off the chimney and the carcasses of those lost little souls.

Escape the house? She means escaping her duty of cleaning the office.

At Friday, August 11, 2006 8:38:00 AM , Blogger mark said...

Oh, man. That's a great story.

It's things like that where I don't particularly mind paying for that kind of service. I mean, sure: if I thought about it, it would suck -- but in the end I'd just be glad it wasn't me that had to do it.

At Friday, August 11, 2006 8:51:00 AM , Blogger JK said...

That's exactly how I felt. When I called to make the appointment the chimney place said it's so expensive because it's the worst job. Who would want to do that? Those guys deserve the money because as soon as they opened the fireplace the entire main floor of our house smelled like death. Terrible.

At Friday, August 11, 2006 11:04:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Same thing happened at my parents place. But it wasn't the smell that got to them - they lit a fire and the smoke would not go up the chimney! They called for a chimney sweep, took the guy 4 hours - something like 10 squirrels, a few birds... crazy!


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