Wednesday, June 07, 2006

What the...?

Holy shit, I agree with Lou Dobbs!

In regards to the gay marriage issue, I am sick of all these "Christian" people who want to write hate and discrimination into our constitution. Isn't everyone entitled to Life, Liberty and the Persuit of Happiness?


At Wednesday, June 07, 2006 12:19:00 PM , Blogger JosiahBatten said...

It's not discrimination, gays can marry one member of the opposite sex like everyone else can, why should a small minority get special privalages when a mojority of the population agrees what marriage should be?

At Wednesday, June 07, 2006 1:07:00 PM , Blogger mark said...

Hahahaha. That's great, coming from someone whose profile says: "We've got better chances of playing pick-up sticks with our butt-cheeks then living a happy life without Christ"

Live your happy life with Christ on your terms, and let the rest of the world (or in this case, country) live it on theirs. And stop trying to shove your morality down the throats of others. Frankly, it's not Christian.

I'm with you Blondie. Literally the last time Bush mentioned this worthless amendment was the last time he tried to get elected. He's pandering. The sick thing is, it works.

At Wednesday, June 07, 2006 4:56:00 PM , Blogger B.J. said...

How is it a special privilege to marry someone? Who cares if it is a man marrying a man or woman marrying a woman? How does it affect you?

My guess is that you are like the dad on American Beauty, not Kevin Spacey's character, but Chris Cooper's character that tries to beat out any possible hint of homosexuality out of his son because he could never rid himself of his own. You just need to realize that you love the cock and should love yourself no matter what anyone else tells you.

God bless and leave Jesus off the Internet, it's too dirty for him and his overzealous "followers". Just stick to your preachers and bible, wouldn't want you to have an original thought or anything.

At Thursday, June 08, 2006 8:06:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, as the resident conservative Christian of the group (I believe, anyway) I feel compelled to comment on all of this.

First of all, it has to be known that not all Christians feel this way about homosexuality & same sex marriage. My friends from church don't feel this way & neither do Jason & I, so it is quite unfair to paint every Christian as some gay bashing, people hater. Jesus gave us a commandmant to "Love each other above all else" and sometimes I think that gets pushed aside. My take on the issue (which may or may not get bashed, but I am okay with that)-- is that the Old Testament says homosexuality is wrong, God destroyed entire towns for that lifestyle. However, the Bible also says to Love each other. So, I believe that my job (and other Christians) is to not judge or condemn others because of their lifestyle or choices, because I am not in any position to do so.
Second, the term "shove the morality down the throat of others" really irritates me. Who is to say what is moral & what is not? There has to be some base, some code for which all people are protected from others. The first thought that came to my mind when I read that was NAMBLA. These men in this group think its okay (moral even) to have sex with young boys. And it is not (and not because of the same gender, but because of the age of consent). Morality has to exist in our laws & society to make it safe, to protect those who can't protect themselves. None of you know what it is like to have a child in this world. To try & teach them right from wrong & protect them from those who don't know (or don't care)the difference. You don't know the fear, the utter terror that washes over you everytime your fiercely independent 5 yr old wants to go to the mens room. The prayer you are saying as you wait outside the door, praying that he is okay. If "shoving my morality down the throats of others" keeps my kids safer- I am totally okay with that.
And, why shouldn't Jesus be on the internet? He hung out with thieves, liars & prostitutes when he was here, you don't think the internet is any different?
Lastly, regurgiting liberal views & Christian bashing certainly isn't an original thought.

At Thursday, June 08, 2006 9:13:00 AM , Blogger mark said...


I symapthise with the fact that you're scared for your children - I know that I'm going to be just as bad when ours come. And Christian-bashing is in vogue right now I think it would make sense for us all to take a step back to look at things.

I certainly didn't mean to attack "everyday" Christians. I mean to approach those who politicize religion. The two just don't mix.

And as I said, I sympathize with the fact that you're afraid for your boy going to the bathroom, but frankly that has absolutely nothing to do with the issue here. The issue is fundamental - people who love each other in a committed relationship have the right to have that relationship legally recognized, gay or straight. The issue has nothing to do with religion - it's about the law.

I think underneath it all we agree. I have issue with (and it would seem BJ is the same) people seeming to forget that being a Christian is about love and acceptance, as you said. This proposed amendment is absurd because it is attempting to legislate the antithesis of that.

Jenni asked who decides what is moral? For better or worse, it is society that dictates morality. But what sweetswede got wrong is in thinking that gay marriage is about a small minority getting special priveledges. It's not - it's about them having the same rights as everyone else.

At Thursday, June 08, 2006 9:40:00 AM , Blogger B.J. said...

Jenni, Jenni, Jenni. I love that you are passionate about your children, I can only hope that I have the same protective nature over my children, but I think you are making a bit of a stretch.

That being said, as per usual, the written word was not written well enough to convey true thoughts and meanings.

I failed to get across that those whose preach a message of hate and intolerance have flourished on the Internet, TV, radio, and print and do so in the name of God. It would be nice to avoid those such as the swede who do a search on blogs for issues to which they can provide their views, especially if it contradicts the views of the blogger and get everyone all fired up. I am sure the swede is loving this, but then again, so am I.

Use of sayings in the Bible as justifications for laws in the modern world are as fallible as man. The Bible contradicts itself all over the place. This is what you would expect given the Bible is a compilation of sayings and stories over a large period of time. The Old Testament especially. Supposedly God smited those in Sodom and Gomorrah (spelling?) for lewd and laviscious acts, that kind of God is not for me. The idea of be good or I will kill you does not do it for me.

I would also ask that you not compare same sex marriage to NAMBLA, that is borderline slanderous to even mention those two in the same conversation. NAMBLA is just a bunch of sick individuals who fail to realize the emotional strain sexual contact places on the young.

Finally, I would like to point out that I am not a gay advocate. I don't get homosexuality. It doesn't make sense to me because when you break down, the human animal is driven by two basic instincts. To survive and propagate the species. Almost everything we do can be broken down into those basic instincts, but I fail to see how homosexuality does. I am hardly a liberal, but I do find that my opinion on many issues changes a lot, so maybe I am a liberal.

Let's keep discussing, I love this stuff.

At Friday, June 09, 2006 6:04:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, so I am finally getting a chance to respond to a few things.

First, please don't think that I am equating NAMBLA with the gay marriage issue. In my own round about way I was trying to say that sometimes there is a need to put morality into laws-- I am probably just not doing a very good job getting my point across. I was trying to give another perspective on morality & laws- I probably did get a tad carried away (although, if we were having this as a conversation instead over email, I think that would of come across).

Second, I do think we all agree on the whole gay marriage issue. I was taking exception to the HUGE misconception that all Christians are opposed this. I am just a little tired of people assuming that all Christians are of the same mindset as Jerry Falwell.

And on a closing note, when I was talking with one of my good friends from church about this, she did ask me to point out that liberal Christians do exist! :)

Have a wonderful weekend,


At Friday, June 09, 2006 9:38:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes it is hard to convey what we mean a blog post. I know that there are liberal Christians, my mom is one, and they believe that to love and respect one another is the true meaning of Christianity.

Isn't it amazing that the radicals in a religion always get the most attention? (Christians and Muslims) When the majority of people who follow a religion are normal peaceful citizens.


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