Wednesday, November 28, 2007


As I was wasting time on the internets today, I came across this article on about gender and politics. I found it extremely interesting and worth reading up more on some of the referenced articles.

Now I have never been involved in politics, but have been in a leadership position at my old job. When I was promoted, there were a number of men who were upset about having to report to a woman. Especially a woman who was younger than them. So I find what some men have to say about Hillary Clinton not surprising. It doesn't matter if you agree with her politics or not, but calling her a bitch just sounds ignorant. You would never hear any of the male candidates called a similar derogatory name. Why does a woman who speaks her mind and is forceful and passionate about issues always labeled a bitch by those who disagree? Yes Clinton is a polarizing figure, but I think that even if a different woman was running there would be the same name calling.

Ok, I know I went on a tangent away from the point of the article. That's just what the article made me think about.

This is not a post for or against Hilliary Clinton, just my thoughts on gender relations.


At Sunday, December 02, 2007 10:30:00 AM , Blogger B.J. said...

It will be interesting to see what the Republican ad campaign is like should Hillary get the Democratic nomination. I am sure there will be lots of references to Bill and Monica. I hate politics.


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