Wednesday, October 24, 2007


A couple gross things:

This article from CNN.

I have killed two Wolf Spiders in the basement. I HATE spiders, and these are freaky. When I was little a wolf spider bit me on the ankle/foot area and my foot swelled up so I couldn't even wear a shoe. I think this is why I am so freaked out by them. I am tempted to spray the entire house with pesticide, then I think about the previously mentioned CNN article.

Friday, October 19, 2007


Rest in peace Sam Pearson, Piqua High School class of 1998, killed in Iraq.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Flu Shots and Other Thoughts

This is just a post of what I am thinking about today:

Today Mia and I got flu shots. I got mine at the grocery store and Mia got hers at the doctor's office. My arm hurts, but that is better than getting the flu. I need to find a doctor for B.J. and I, I am sure I could use a checkup.

Made a dentist appointment for the 28th, I know I have a cavity so I have been putting it off. Pregnancy totally wrecked my teeth. This is only my 2nd cavity so I guess I shouldn't complain.

The Tribe is kicking Boston's ass, I love it. I think I have a crush on Grady Sizemore and Franklin Gutierrez.

Sorry this post is boring and short, I need to clean my house. It's a mess. Since I am a stay at home mom with only one kid this place should be cleaner, I don't know how it gets so messy. I blame Flanagan.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Reading is fun!

Since I have started posting again I have read a ton of books. I used to read while breastfeeding, but since I am done I try to make time every day to read something. It's such a nice way to relax. There are a few books that I just loved so I would like to recommend them to whoever loves to read.

My favorite book that I read over the summer is "What is the What" by Dave Eggers. This is the story of Valentino Achak Deng who is a refugee of the Sudanese civil war. Valentino is a real person and this is mostly a true story, but it is listed as fictionalized memoir. Fantastic book, although I don't recommend reading it before bed, it gave me nightmares. I also watched Blood Diamond soon after finishing this book and although they are about different conflicts, they both deal with how shitty people can be. The book and move also made me think about human nature and what would drive a person to commit such horrible acts to another.

On a less depressing note, another great book is "Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln" by Doris Kearns Goodwin. The first few chapters are boring and they tell the background of the main players of Lincoln's cabinet. Once the book comes to Lincoln's election as president it is much more interesting. I thought that it was amazing how Lincoln took people from both political parties to form his cabinet, and they worked together on the issues of the times. Definitely something you would not see in today's political climate.

There are a few more books that I want to write about, but that is for another time. If you are reading this blog and have any book recommendations please feel free to comment.

Friday, October 05, 2007

It's Tribe Time Now!

I just watched game 2 of the Indians v Yankees ALDS and it was awesome. The bugs were so gross, I don't know how the players kept their cool for the fantastic pitchers duel. Carmona is on fire!

I freaking love baseball.

Go Tribe!

Thursday, October 04, 2007


Click the title of the entry for the CNN article.

Landslides are cool. Not for the people whose homes they destroy, but from a geological point of view they are just awesome. My favorite quote from the CNN article about the La Jolla landslide:

Pat Abbott, a retired geological sciences professor at San Diego State University, told the Union-Tribune that Mount Soledad is made up of weak layers of rock and that the culprit in the landslide is nature. "Gravity pulling on the incline is pulling down masses of earth and those masses of earth have houses on top of them," Abbott told the paper. "It's a geologically bad site and should not have been built on to begin with."

There are millions of people in the US who live where they should not. Yes the chances are slim that a landslide, earthquake, flood, or hurricane, is going to destroy your house, so I understand taking that chance. Just be aware of where you live and what could happen, especially before buying a multi-million dollar house.

Luckily nobody was injured.

Really the engineer or whoever ok'd the building permit for the neighborhood is at fault, not the homeowners. I smell a lawsuit!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Blogging Again!

Ok, I know it's been forever since I last posted, but I have a good reason. Babies take up alot of time. Anyway, I decided I needed to start blogging again to have something to do besides of taking care of my kid. So, this new blog will not have any family news, this is just about me. Things I have read and want to share, what I am thinking about lately, and what I am doing (not baby related).

I have read some great books since I last posted and I will let you know what they are at a later time, too much to post right now.

I am sure nobody reads this anymore, but if you do, I promise to post at least once a week.

Until next time, hopefully sooner rather than later.

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