Thursday, August 21, 2008

This is funny!

This story was on The Onion a few days ago and I think it's hilarious!

Not much going on here in Ohio, the weather is hot again, and I have been watching a ton of Olympic coverage. Although I have to complain that the Track and Field events are not shown live, but at 10:30pm. Plus, Bob Costas is annoying.

Michael Phelps and Usain Bolt put on such amazing and dominating performances, they are the highlight of the Olympics for me.

Hope everyone is having a great week!

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

The Olympics

I am getting excited for the Olympics! Hopefully since I am not working I will be able to watch more day (taped delayed) coverage. I wasn't planning on watching the opening ceremony because it usually sucks, and involves some kind of bizarre modern dance skit, but I might this year.

Check out this article about the USA flag bearer, Lopez Lomong who will run the 1500. As a former lost boy of the Sudan, and a recent US citizen, his story is remarkable. Plus I think this is also a subtle (or not) show of support and awareness for the Darfur region by the athletes. China is one of the biggest arms dealers to the Sudan and thus is fueling the civil war. Even more interesting is the Chinese government denying a passport to Joey Cheek (speedskater and winter Olympic athlete) who is an activist on Darfur. Check out Team Darfur for more info.

Ahhhh, communists. Who will you try to silence next?

Once again I will plug the book "What is the What". Amazing.

Go Team USA!

Saturday, August 02, 2008

John Adams

I have FINALLY finished the book "John Adams" by David McCullough, it only took me most of the summer. This is a very long, but very interesting book. It made me appreciate our country and the founding fathers even more. Frankly, it's almost a miracle that the United States exists as it does today. The book not only details John Adams' role in founding the USA, but is an in depth look at the relationship of Abigail and John Adams. They were quite the remarkable couple! I am really looking forward to watching the HBO miniseries since it is now out on DVD. I am on the waiting list at the library (number 326!), but my mom bought it so now it's whoever gives the dvd's to me first. The show got a ton of Emmy nominations so it is probably excellent, I hope!

I highly recommend this book if you like reading historical non-fiction. But beware, it is a LONG book!

Now I am reading "The Slaves' War: The Civil War in the Words of Former Slaves" by Andrew Ward. I saw The Daily Show episode with the author and thought it sounded interesting. Right now I am only on chapter 3, and it's pretty good.

Next I need to read something less heavy, maybe some fiction. My mom loaned me "A Long Way Gone" by Ishmael Beah, and I know that is not a light fun book, but I need to get that back to her in the next month. (It technically belongs to the Russia Local Schools library). So, maybe fluff fiction after that. Any recommendations?

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